Relationship is for a reason, a season or a lifetime



The shape of egg signifies life. The brooch has exchangeable parts and can be worn for different occasions and meanings.

Reason: black and red rubber from electrical wire offcuts.

Season: flower petal.

Lifetime: Cracked line at the bottom of egg. It’s inspired by a Chinese saying: No matter how seamless egg looks like, there’s always a tiny seam (鸡蛋再密也有缝). It means no matter how perfect you think your relationship/life is, there’s always a flaw.

‘Relationship is for a reason, a season or a lifetime’ brooch, Vivian Qiu, 2022, sterling silver, electrical wire rubber, steel wire, size varies, 5x6cm maximum.

Egg Maze


Life is a maze.

You’ll always find a way out, or you get stuck in there.

The fastening method is inspired by Herman Hermsen’s Disk Brooch (1986).

Egg Maze brooch, Vivian Qiu, 2022, titanium, steel ball, 5x7cm


Life Line


'Qiu' Family Portrait