Rice Clay Sculpture


In the workshop, you’ll learn how to create a brand new sustainable and organic material from scratch — Rice clay. This is a material innovation by Vivian as part of her material research and development with rice, along with rice fabric (check out her Sentimental Rice Jewellery project).

Rice clay is a mixture of cooked rice and embroidery floss. The process may be a bit messy, yet very meditative. After dehydrating it under the sun naturally, the rice clay becomes stiff and hard. If you hold it against the light, you can see the magical texture of rice clay due to translucency.

Rice clay can be made into lots of beautiful objects - from bowls, to sculpture pieces and even jewellery.

What you will learn: 

  • How to mix cooked rice with different fibres, especially embroidery floss to create this unique material

  • Dehydration process

  • Moulding technique to transform it into beautiful pieces of useable art. 

Please bring a plastic container to take your work home at the end of workshop.


Life Line: Japanese Kumihimo Braiding


Rice Painting